"It’s payment network is faster and cheaper than Visa’s."
Wrong. Bitcoins tx capacity is very limited, just a few tx per second. Also it takes several blocks until a tx is final, which is a lot of time. Other blockchains are capable of being faster and cheaper than Visa, but bitcoin is not.
"That’s what Bitcoin is: a railway network in cyberspace."
I only quote this, but the whole passage is bullshit. The point is, with a railroad network, the overall costs go down a lot, when more people use it and the biggest cost factor is setup. Bitcoin in contrast is not able to transact more tx when more operators/nodes/miners enter the network. More users though congest it more and a higher valuation means more expensive mining must be done. Bitcoin does not scale and it is possible to understand this for normal humans.
"When it’s complete — and it almost is — it will allow anyone to send money to anyone else anywhere at any time for almost no cost."
Wrong and if you think this, then you have not understood Proof-of-Work.
"Electricity cannot be transported for more than 500 miles — that’s a hard limit."
Wrong, obviously wrong. Super conductors can transport electricity over infinite distances without loss. It isn't used for this, because transforming to 500.000 Volt also allows to transport electricity with only 0.1% loss...
"Fiat money breaks the second law of thermodynamics and is thus bogus"
I guess you mean the first law of thermodynamics. The second law is about entropy production, the first law is about energy conservation...
"There’s so much more FUD that I’ll be debunking in the next few days. This was simply a taster."
Please don't. First do your homework and learn more about the technology and especially about technology in general (electricity, thermodynamics). Once you understand why Proof-of-Work in a Nakamoto Consensus system will not allow for what you sell here, then you can go ahead and learn about Proof-of-Stake. All the best.